For purchasing and training
byNIRO GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of our network Industrie RuhrOst e. V. (NIRO), which was founded in 2006.
Since 2012, byNIRO has made selected benefits of the network available not only to member companies, but to all interested companies – regardless of their sector or size.
All companies can use these byNIRO services.
onepower – the purchasing pool gives non-member companies the opportunity to achieve potential savings and optimize purchasing processes through bundling in order to gain room for manoeuvre.
onepower customers have access to the same framework agreements negotiated by purchasing managers in our network.
NIRO Academy
The NIRO Academy is an academy by production companies for production companies and was developed jointly by managers from NIRO member companies. It provides high-quality qualifications for medium-sized companies on site.