proWeiterbildung PLUS: Project end with perspective

Our project started three years ago and a lot has happened by the end of the funded period.
Our training network has been able to build on a very good foundation: Many of our partners, numerous institutions, training service providers and managers from companies in the region have been actively involved in the project work.
Together, we have developed skills models to identify training needs. A total of 41 competency models in pdf format for various professions from the four REGIO job families of production, sales/marketing, logistics and sustainability are now available to HR managers and employees free of charge.
Our project team held numerous successful events focusing on different topics. One highlight was the very successful workshop series “KI Guide für proWeiterbildung PLUS”, which was created in collaboration with the Zukunftszentrum KI NRW.
A continuation of this is planned for the end of January at NIRO. The focus will then be on how prompting can be designed effectively and how ChatGPT can support everyday office life. The invitation to this workshop will be sent out shortly via NIRO-Wissen.
A brief summary of the project work can be found in the brochure “Erfolgsfaktoren regionaler Weiterbildungsverbünde: Results from the project “proWeiterbildung PLUS – systematisch, regional, vernetzt”.
What remains as a perspective: The new digital platform, which was developed and implemented as part of the project, will act as an interface for the continuing education network in the future and provides extensive services, such as a continuing education database and map. All the skills models that we have developed can also be found there. Further education service providers can present themselves and their offers in a multimedia format. All interested parties have the opportunity to obtain online advice on further training courses.
All information can be found at

Die Broschüre zeichnet den Weg der Projektarbeit nach und bietet eine Übersicht über die wichtigsten Meilensteine und Ergebnisse.