NIRO moves
NIRO moves to Dortmund harbor, where the new industrial campus is being developed. In close partnership with the Digital Workbench, we use the large event room and the separate seminar room for our networking activities. The room is also available to our members free of charge once a year.
NIRO is completing the “proWeiterbildung PLUS” project in cooperation with the Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft für den Kreis Unna mbH. It stands for a strong further training network in our region. Companies can use the new digital platform, complete 41 skills models to determine the training needs of individual job profiles and use their new contacts from networking events.

NIRO: Sustainable and with a new strategy
With our sustainability report, we are visible for the first time in the database of the German Sustainability Code (DNK). The report on NIRO’s sustainability-oriented network work can be viewed in detail there.
Following the NaLiMa project, our new sustainability working group is being established. It works in five interdisciplinary and cross-company project groups. The brochure with the most important results is available to all members.
NIRO is working intensively on its strategy, defining a new mission and a new vision. Instead of thematic work based on fields of action, the focus is increasingly on opening up areas of opportunity.

NIRO: Bringing sustainability into the network
At the annual meeting of the “go-cluster” program on October 20, 2022, our network was selected as ClusterERFOLG 2022 with its contribution “Bringing sustainability into the network”. The golden Buddy Bear now lives with us.
With the project “Sustainable supplier management in accordance with the DNK standard – a purchasing pool on the way to a sustainability report” (NaLiMa for short), the suppliers in the purchasing pool are being made more sustainable. Since then, the green “N-chen” has been alive in our network.
The NIRO regulars’ table is a highlight of our anniversary year. On May 5, 2022, old hands, experienced networkers, companions and young talents will meet to reminisce, but also to think about today and tomorrow.

NIRO: Current account and 15 years of NIRO
The current account, which each of our member companies receives annually, clearly shows the monetary benefits of membership through the use of our framework agreements.
NIRO was founded on November 2, 2006. To mark its 15th birthday, an anniversary year with many special events and activities will begin in November 2021. At the 15th general meeting, which will take place on November 11, 2021 at Wilo in Dortmund, there will be a big birthday cake.

NIRO: flexible, planned and strategic
The NIRO network roadmap is being developed to visualize our comprehensive network work and provides an overview of our thematic priorities and interfaces.
NIRO responds to the coronavirus crisis early on: the majority of our networking events take place online. During the pandemic, our online formats “Kurz vor Feierabend” and the “NIRO-Schaufenster” as well as individual exchanges of experience such as the “Corona Jour fixe” are reaching a larger audience.

NIRO at the cutting edge
byNIRO GmbH gets a new internet presence.
NIRO is presented as a selected network in the nationwide cluster week. A report by go-cluster presents our network at the Hanover Trade Fair on a national level.

A dozen years: NIRO with new faces and working groups
New faces and new working groups: Ingrid Lange is the new Managing Director of NIRO. Dr. Anja Zühlsdorf is responsible for communications and current topics.
New working groups are being formed, including IT, lean, maintenance, occupational safety, quality management and management assistants.
At our general meeting, member companies are honored for 12 years of membership for the first time: AB Elektronik GmbH, Böcker AG, KHS GmbH, Montanhydraulik GmbH, Dortmund University of Technology / Institute for Production Systems (IPS), Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft für den Kreis Unna mbH, Dortmund Chamber of Industry and Commerce as well as Neuhäuser GmbH and Unternehmensverband Westfalen-Mitte e. V. complete the dozen.

NIRO presents itself in a new light
Our network presents itself digitally and visually with a new website. Our homepage is getting a relaunch.
New events are developed. The “Guss-Fachtag” is held for the first time and brings together experts from purchasing, development and production.

NIRO enters the race
Together and yet in sporting competition: the PEP working group initiates a major event at the go-kart race track, creatively and with full power. The HR and PEP working groups compete against each other in a race.

NIRO stays on course for Industry 4.0
At the 2014 general meeting, our network focused on Industry 4.0 and made this a key topic of network work with a working group.

NIRO opens up
Our network also makes selected services available to non-member companies via byNIRO GmbH.
The onepower purchasing pool records a total turnover of 25 million euros with 28 framework agreements from NIRO members and byNIRO customers. The joint exchange of experience is also becoming more important.
The NIRO Academy is expanded and launches its online platform, which includes 25 further training courses in the seminar program.

NIRO receives award
Our network receives the Robert Jungk Prize and is honored for its civic engagement. The jury found NIRO’s commitment to corporate social responsibility particularly commendable.
For the first time, NIRO undergoes the certification process of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI) via the “go-cluster” program and receives the bronze label.

NIRO develops new formats
byNIRO GmbH is founded as a wholly owned subsidiary of our network.
The NIRO Academy is designed by production companies for production companies and starts as a management academy with numerous training courses for purchasing managers, a program for trainee agents and much more.
“PEP to go” refers to “product development processes to go”: there is a first PEP-to-go trip for developers, which offers insights into the development processes of the member companies on site.

NIRO celebrates its 5th anniversary
NIRO summer party: The highlight is an exciting race between the working groups at Dortmund racecourse.
In addition, the graduates of the first mechanical engineering/mechatronics course at the University of Cooperative Education in the district of Unna will be bid farewell.

NIRO enables a trusting exchange
Cooperation can secure jobs: For the first time, two member companies in our network are exchanging employees. The basis for this is a previously negotiated collective agreement.
The exchange of knowledge is given a digital platform in our network: the online database “NIRO Knowledge” for document management and exchange can be used by all members.

NIRO presents itself
Our network regularly presents itself at the Hannover Messe Industrie.
NIRO also presents itself abroad at international conferences in Brazil, Sweden, Spain and Algeria.

NIRO is not standing still - further working groups get started
Our new Innovation working group conducts 24 audits on “low-waste production” with benchmark trips to some of our member companies. The Shipping, Foreign Trade and Logistics working group concludes framework agreements for general cargo and parcels.
The Product Development working group carries out a benchmark analysis of our member companies’ production processes.

NIRO picks up speed - start of the working groups
Our first working groups are established. The Purchasing working group completes the first bundled electricity tender.
The Human Resources working group initiates the first vocational academy in the district of Unna with dual training for engineers.
The Marketing working group deals with NIRO brand development by member companies.

Founding NIRO - Developing the future together
Eight companies from the districts of Unna, Dortmund and Hamm break through borders and open up a completely new form of cooperation: in a close network, they want to exchange experiences and resources, coordinate procurements, work together on developments and complement each other in opening up international markets. On November 2, 2006, our “Verein Netzwerk Industrie RuhrOst e. V.” is founded.
The new association of manufacturing companies from the metal, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering sectors is a product of the “Factory Automation Competence Center” funding project, which was supported by the European Union (ERDF), the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the business development agency for the district of Unna mbH.